C Series module to have both differential and single ended channels with CompactRIO

Updated Jan 10, 2023



CompactRIO, C Series Module

I would like to measure both differential and single ended signals on the same C Series module I am using with my CompactRIO. Is this possible, and if so how do I configure the channels individually?

  1. From the Project Explorer locate the module with the blue icon, as shown in Figure 1. (This project is setup in the scan engine mode, but is the same for FPGA I/O except Mod1 would be listed under the FPGA)

Figure 1. Module in Project Explorer
  1. Right click and go to Properties, this will open a new window called 'Module Properties', as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Module Properties
  1. From there you can change the channel configuration for each input by changing the terminal mode to single ended (RSE and NRSE) and differential (DIFF) and well as the input range.

Note: differential measurements take up two inputs so in the case of the 9205 and 9206 that's AI(N) and AI(N+8).