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Programmatically Obtain a Computer's and Target's IP Address Using LabVIEW or LabWindows™/CVI

Updated Jun 27, 2023

Reported In


  • CompactRIO Controller
  • CompactRIO Chassis


  • LabVIEW Full
  • LabVIEW Base
  • LabWindows/CVI Base
  • LabWindows/CVI Full

Issue Details

How to programmatically read the IP address of my computer using LabVIEW or LabWindows™/CVI?
Additionally, How can I get the IP assigned to Target in LabVIEW?



  • Use the String to IP function from the TCP palette.
  • To obtain all IP addresses of the computer, right-click the String to IP function and select Multiple Outputs. 
  • Using the String to IP functions, DHCP IPs assigned to Target can be obtained.


  • ​​Call the GetTCPHostAddr function.
  • To obtain all IP addresses of the computer, call GetALLTCPHstAddresses.
The following example shows how to implement this in LabWindpws™/CVI. This is accomplished by passing an address of a pointer to pointer to a char variable. The library allocates an array of strings which must be freed using the TCPFreeMemory function.
char ** addresses = NULL;
 int numAddresses;
 int index;

 GetAllTCPHostAddresses (&addresses, &numAddresses);
 /* Use the address strings... */
 for (index = 0; index < numAddresses; index++)
 /* Free address string */
 TCPFreeMemory (addresses[index]);
 /* Free addresses array */
 TCPFreeMemory (addresses);

Additional Information

To convert the IP addresses to dotted decimal notation or machine name, place an IP to String function on the block diagram. Wiring a true constant to the dot notation terminal will return the IP address in dot-notation format. Dot-notation format returns an IP address in the form If the dot notation terminal is left unwired, or if a false constant is wired to it, it returns the IP address in the form

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