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Can't See USB 2.0 Camera in NI MAX

Updated Dec 20, 2023

Reported In


  • Vision Acquisition Software

Issue Details

  • I have a USB 2.0 camera connected to my computer, but I do not see my camera listed in NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) and cannot connect to it from my LabVIEW application. How do I get MAX to recognise my camera?
  • Why is my USB 2.0 camera not showing in NI MAX?
  • What version of Vision Acquisition Software do I need to use my USB 2.0 camera?


As of Vision Acquisition Software (VAS) 2009, support for DirectShow-compatible USB 2.0 cameras is included in the NI-IMAQdx driver. To use your camera, you must install VAS version 2009 or later (NI-IMAQdx driver is included in Vision Acquisition Software).
Once the correct driver is installed, the camera should show up in NI MAX under Devices and Interfaces.

If you can acquire images in LabVIEW or Vision Builder but cannot see it in MAX,  the most common reason is due to a corrupt MAX database. To fix the corrupt database, use the following command to regenerate the configuration file. You should execute this command from a command prompt. Make sure you close MAX when executing the command:
  1. Select Start»Run...
  2. Type in cmd
  3. Go to the MAX directory in by typing cd <root directory>\Program Files\National Instruments\MAX
  4. Enter the following: mxsr.exe -uconfig.mxs

Please see this Knowledge article for more detailed instructions to 'Fix or Reset the NI Measurement and Automation Explorer Database File '

Additional Information

Prior to August 2009, DirectShow compatible USB 2.0 cameras were supported by the NI-IMAQ for USB driver. This driver is no longer supported by NI.

If you cannot see your camera in NI MAX after installing VAS, check with the manufacturer of your camera to verify that the camera is DirectShow compatible. Not all USB 2.0 are compliant with the DirectShow specification.