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Archived:DAQmx Support and Examples Missing in LabVIEW NXG

Updated Dec 22, 2023

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Reported In


  • Package Manager


  • NI-DAQmx

Issue Details

NI Package Manager (NIPM) states that the NI-DAQmx driver is installed, but I am still missing DAQmx support in LabVIEW NXG. NXG seems to have been installed and starts up, but there are no device drivers included with our software. This can manifest in any of the following ways:

  • The Hardware tab cannot identify or detect my DAQ devices or they are not showing up.
  • I can't find, am unable to see, or can't locate the DAQmx API functions in the LabVIEW NXG palettes.
  • There are no DAQ devices available to run a Measurement Panel.
  • The Examples tab is grayed-out under the Item tab on the LabVIEW NXG window.
How can I add DAQmx support to LabVIEW NXG and gain access to the example VI's?


This is caused by a missing component to the DAQmx driver, as DAQmx needs the Application Development Environment (ADE) support for NXG. 

NI Package Manager must be used to get DAQmx Application Development Environment (ADE) support for LabVIEW NXG.  In order to include the support for NXG in the install, please follow these steps:
  1. Open NI Package Manager and in the Programming Environments section choose LabVIEW NXG and Drivers.
2. Choose the version of LabVIEW NXG that you require and click Install LabVIEW NXG and Drivers.
3. Installing LabVIEW NXG and Drivers window should come up. In the Select Products section select at least LabVIEW NXG and click Next.
4. In the Additional items you may wish to install section you can select NI-DAQmx Support for LabVIEW NXG and NI-DAQmx Support for LabVIEW NXG Run-Time Engine.

5. Clicking Next will install the required support to use DAQmx functions in LabVIEW NXG.


Confirm Proper Installation

The NI-DAQmx support for LabVIEW NXG component will be present if LabVIEW NXG support has been installed successfully as seen in Figure 1 (NXG 1.0) or Figure 2 (NXG 2.x) below.
Figure 1:  Installed software in NIPM (NXG 1.0)

Figure 2:  Installed software in NIPM (NXG 2.x)

Additional Information

The NI-DAQmx or LabVEW NXG installer contains three different NI-DAQmx software packages: 
  • NI-DAQmx Application Development Environment (ADE) Support for LabVIEW NXG
  • NI-DAQmx Device Drivers for all DAQmx compatible hardware supported under the specific version and ADE
  • NI-DAQmx Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) Configuration tools for working with DAQmx supported hardware in MAX (e.g. Connection Diagrams, Create Tasks, etc.)

Figure 3:  Diagram of DAQmx Driver Components
Note that DAQmx driver components, such as DAQmx runtimes, may show as installed in NIPM even if DAQmx support for LabVIEW NXG has not been installed.  

Installing NI-DAQmx 18.0 only installs support for LabVIEW NXG 2.1, and no other versions of LabVIEW NXG. If you are using LabVIEW NXG 2.0, upgrade to LabVIEW NXG 2.1 in order to get support. Otherwise, the NI-DAQmx version 18.5 added support for LabVIEW NXG 3.0. 

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