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Error 1074384764 in NI-XNET: Signal Was Not Found in the Database

Updated Mar 11, 2024

Reported In


  • LabVIEW
  • VeriStand



Issue Details

I am using either LabVIEW or VeriStand with NI-XNET and when I try to deploy me VeriStand project or run my LabVIEW VI that contains NI-XNET code in a real time operating system, I see one of:
1. Error -1074384767 occurred at XNET Database Open (Frame).vi:1

Possible reasons(s):

NI-XNET: (HEX 0xBFF63081) The database specified could not be opened. Solution: Check that the alias and/or the file exist and that it is a valid database.

2. Error -1074384764 occurred at XNET Create Session (Signal Input Single-point).vi:6590001 

Possible reason(s): 

NI-XNET:  (Hex 0xBFF63084) The signal was not found in the database. Solution: Make sure you only initialize signals in a session that are defined in the database.

3. NI VeriStand: Error occurred at the following location:

"Targets/Controller/Hardware/Chassis 1/NI-XNET"
Error -1074384764 occurred at Project Window.lvlib:Project Window VI >> Project Window.lvlib:Command Loop VI >> Project Window.lvlib:Connect to System VI

Possible reason(s):

NI-XNET: (Hex 0xBFF63084) The signal was not found in the database. Solution: Make sure you only initialize signals in a session that are defined in the database.



The solution to this issue is different for LabVIEW and VeriStand users. See the steps for the software environment you are using:


This error message is displayed because your database has not been deployed to the RT target. Thus, when the VI tries to access the database, there isn't one to reference.

It can also occur in a VeriStand project if you have updated the XNET alias to a new database file or version, but have referenced a signal which is no longer present. To resolve this either: 
  • Update the VeriStand project to reflect the new database.
  • Remove the XNET alias in XNET database editor and add the correct database file.

To deploy your database to the RT target follow the steps outlined here.

You can also explicitly deploy the database at run time using one of these two methods:
  • Using XNET I/O Names:
If you are using I/O names for database objects, you can click on an I/O name and select Manage Database Deployment. This opens a dialog that you can use to assign new aliases and deploy them to the RT target.
  • Using the File Management Subpalette VIs:
To manage database deployment from a VI running on the host (Windows computer), use VIs in the NI-XNET File Management palette. (see the image below) This palette includes VIs to add an alias and deploy the database to the RT target.

To delete the database file from the RT target after execution of a test, you can un-deploy the database by using either option described above.


For VeriStand users, this error typically points to a problem in the NI-XNET database itself. Investigate the database and check the validity of the signals in the database.
If you have previously used a different database, ensure all signals from the old database have been removed from all of your NI-XNET, CAN, LIN and FlexRAY cards.
If issues still persist, remove all signals under the NI-XNET cards and re-add the signals in groups to identify the cause(s).

Additional Information

When you create an NI-XNET application for LabVIEW RT, you must assign an alias to your database file. During deployment to the RT target, the text database file is compressed to an optimized binary format, and that binary file is transferred to the target.

When you create NI-XNET sessions using a LabVIEW project, you assign the alias within the session dialog (for example, Browse for Database File). After dragging the session to a VI under the RT target and running that VI, NI-XNET automatically deploys the database file to the target.