NI MAX Hangs When Opening "Devices and Interfaces" Section

Updated Jul 25, 2023

Reported In


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

Issue Details

I want to configure my hardware in NI MAX, but MAX freezes after clicking on "Devices and Interfaces".


When opening the Devices and Interfaces section, MAX queries all hardware and tries to link it to the correct driver.

If one of the drivers is not working properly and time-outs, then MAX will freeze.

To identify, which driver could be causing the issue, open the Windows Event Viewer.

Open the section Windows Logs >> System and search for entries of the source NIPALK and check the General tab for references to drivers.

For example, the following entry would indicate an issue with the IMAQ driver:
[nipalk]  Notice: ZwLoadDriver(niimaqk) failed at least once:
iteration #0 status: c0000034

Uninstall the mentioned drivers, restart your computer, and check if NI MAX works properly.
If yes, you can install the drivers again, if needed.

Additional Information

As NI MAX also searches for network devices, the issue can also be caused by timeouts during the network scan.
To check if your network connection is causing the issue, disconnect your computer from the network and restart MAX.