DAQmx Read VI Maximum and Minimum Timeout Values in DAQmx Task

Updated Dec 30, 2022

Reported In


  • NI-DAQmx

Issue Details

What are the minimum and maximum timeout values for my NI-DAQ™mx task when using DAQmx Read VI?


The minimum timeout value must be greater than the samples to read divided by the sampling rate.  This is the minimum amount of time required for the DAQ device to acquire the requested number of samples.
For example, if 1000 Hz is used for the sampling rate and 5000 samples is specified for the samples to read, the timeout value must be greater than 5 seconds. 

The maximum value that can be used for your DAQmx timeout is -1.  This specifies that you want to wait forever for the specified number of samples.  This can be used for applications where the start trigger may come at an unknown time. 

Additional Information

The DAQmx Read VI uses the timeout value to specify the amount of time in seconds to wait for the requested amount of samples to become available.  This is set using the samples to read input of the DAQmx Read VI.