Error -1073807202 in LabVIEW When Using VISA Read or VISA Write VIs

Updated Jan 31, 2025

Reported In


  • LabVIEW



Issue Details

When running some code in LabVIEW environment that uses VISA Read or VISA Write, I get the following error:

Error -1073807202 occurred at an Property Node(arg 1) in VISA Configure Serial Port(Instr).vi->Continuous Serial Write and


Please follow the below steps to resolve the issue.

  1. Install the latest NI-VISA driver from the driver website and restart the PC.
  2. Open and run the VI again. The error message should not appear. If other drivers are needed, see: Installation Order for Multiple NI Hardware and Software Products to ensure the drivers are installed in the correct order.
  3. Try to repair the NI-VISA driver from NI Package Manager: Repair Software in NI Package Manager (NIPM)
  4. Check if the version of NI-VISA is compatible with your version of LabVIEW:  NI-VISA and LabVIEW Version Compatibility.

Additional Information

The evaluation version of LabVIEW does not install the NI-VISA drivers, but it will install the function palettes for the NI-VISA functions. 

If you are experiencing this issue while using a FieldPoint RT controller, please contact National Instruments for technical support.