Error -63101 Deploying System Definition File With NI-986x in NI VeriStand

Updated May 10, 2022

Reported In


  • NI-9860
  • NI-9861
  • NI-9862
  • NI-9866
  • CompactRIO Controller


  • VeriStand

Issue Details

I am getting Error -63101 when I try to deploy my NI VeriStand System Definition File that contains one or more NI-986x modules:

Error -63101 occurred at Project Window.lvlib:Project >> Project Window.lvlib:Command >> Project Window.lvlib:Connect to Possible reason(s): NI-RIO: A valid .lvbitx bitfile is required. If you are using a vaild .lvbitx bitfile, the bitfile may not be compatible with the software you are using. Determine which version of LabVIEW was used to make the bitfile, update your software to that version or later, and try again.


Using VeriStand 2015 and CompactRIO 15.0 and Later Versions

Using the NI-986x module in a CompactRIO directly:

Leave the 986x Support tab of the Port Settings blank when configuring the XNET port: 


Using VeriStand Before 2015 and RIO Driver Before CompactRIO 15.0

Make sure you compile the FPGA bitfile in LabVIEW with a project that contains the 986x module(s) and other necessary modules in the cRIO chassis.  Check to make sure you are pointing to the correct bitfile.

Additional Information

As of VeriStand 2015 and CompactRIO 15.0 you no longer need to compile a blank bitfile for you Linux Real-Time CompactRIO targets (cRIO-903x or cRIO-906x), in order to use NI 986x series XNET modules. 

If you are not using a 986x module, check any other bitfiles referenced in the system and remove any unused hardware from the system definition file. 

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