Error -1073807360 Occurs when Using VISA and LabVIEW

Updated Apr 19, 2024

Reported In


  • LabVIEW Full



Issue Details

  • I am trying to run a VI calling VISA functions that control a third party instrument. Once I run the VI the second time, I get the error code -1073807360 and an error message. 
  • I am trying to run a VI calling VISA functions that control a third party instrument. I am able to use the VISA Interactive Control, but when I try to run the VI, I get the error code -1073807360 and an error message. 
  • I am using a VeriStand custom device that uses VISA and when I try to deploy my system definition file I get the error code -1073807360 and an error message. 
  • I am trying to use VISA commands on my Real-Time Host. The functionality works the first time I run the program, but not the second time. An error message is returned the second time I run the program:
Error -1073807360 occured at Property Node (arg 1) in>



This error can result from not closing VISA references before exiting the VI. Even if you do not explicitly open a VISA reference, one is created whenever a read or write is performed. To avoid this error perform the following steps:
  1. Explicitly open all VISA references in your VI.
  2. Explicitly close all VISA references in your VI.
  3. Avoid halting execution with the abort button, because this will leave all the references open.
If the steps above didn't solve the issue, you can also reset the NI MAX database following the article How to Fix or Reset the NI Measurement and Automation Explorer Database File

Additional Information

Alternatively, you can try reinstalling the Windows USB drivers.