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How to Generate HWS Waveform Data in LabVIEW

Updated Jan 2, 2024

Reported In


  • PCI-6541
  • PXI-6541


  • Digital Waveform Editor



Issue Details

I would like to generate HWS Waveform Data to save them in the HWS file format or write a digital pattern on a HSDIO device.


To generate digital waveforms you can convert unsigned binary data into a digital waveform data type (WDT) using the niHSDIO Convert Binary to WDT VI . It is also possible to convert integer numbers into digital data, then convert the digital data into WDTs shown in the picutes below.

You can either save the HWS Waveform Data in a Hierarchical Waveform Storage Data File (.hws) file or write the HWS Waveform data on a HSDIO device.

Note: This images are LabVIEW snippets, which includes LabVIEW code that you can reuse in your project. To use a snippet, right-click the image, save it to your computer, and drag the file onto your LabVIEW diagram.

To set a frequency or a data rate of your waveform, write a value into the dt input of the Build Waveform VI and make sure that the Use rate from waveform parameter is set to True


Additional Information

If you missing the HWS palette or HWS examples in LabVIEW the NI-HSDIO driver is not installed. After the installation of the NI-HSDIO driver you find the examples at following path labview\examples\instr\niHSDIO\Dynamic Generation.llb or select Help»Find Examples to search them by keyword HWS.