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PXI AIT ARINC 429 Board Not Detected in 64bit Front Panel

Updated Apr 26, 2018

Reported In


  • PXI Chassis
  • AIT ARINC 429

Issue Details

I am not able to detect an AIT ARINC 429 Board in the 64bit Front Panel.


To use the 64 bit Front Panel you must switch from NI-VISA driver to AIT Components Driver.
To change the driver you must perform the following steps:
  1. Open the Device Manager 
  2. As you can see  in the attached picture the Board is detected as a NI-VISA PXI Devices and not as an AIT components ( if you cannot see AIT Components in your Device Manager go to step 8)
  1. Right click on PMC429-32-CW and select update driver
  2. Select Browse my computer for driver software
  1. Select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my Computer
  1. Select xMC-429-CW
  1. Now the device is detected as an AIT Components and you can use the 64 bit Front Panel
  1. If you can not see AIT Components you have to install both the drivers that you can see in the attached figure from AIT Website
  1. After the installation you must perform the following actions
    1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\AIT\Drivers\UAPI PCI Drivers v3.34.0
    2. Run DriverInstall.bat as an Admin
    3. Run InstallKernalPlugin.bat as an Admin
    4. Follow previous instructions to switch to AIT Components driver