NIXSRK.dll is part of the DAQmx driver package, indicating the issue is likely related to a handling hardware resources properly.
Follow these steps to identify the problem:
- Run a task through NI MAX that interfaces with a piece of hardware using the DAQmx driver and then shutdown the system to see if the blue screen of death (BSOD) is present.
- If the BSOD occurs, you likely have a bad driver install and need to repair the driver.
- If there is no BSOD, the issue is related to improper resource management within your code.
- Identify the hardware sessions that you are using in your code.
- Ensure you are properly handling the resources in your task. The most likely culprit is not stopping or clearing a DAQmx task before attempting to shutdown the system.
- If you are running multiple hardware sessions in your project, be careful to ensure all tasks have stopped and cleared before stopping the code. The recommended architecture for doing this would be using queued message handling to communicate across different sections of code.