Becasue Microsoft SQL Server has no support for non-finite values for its FLOAT data type we need to modify the schema to filter non-finite values.
- Open the Schemas by clicking on Configure>>Result Processing... In the Result Processing window click on the hammer and wrench icon in the Database line to open the Database Options dialog box.
- Go to the Schemas tab and expand the Schema currently being used.
- We will modify PROP_RESULT table. Change the 'Precondition' expression for the following columns/parameters:
Logging.DatabaseOptions.IncludeOutputValues && Logging.StepResult.Numeric != NAN && Logging.StepResult.Numeric != INF && Logging.StepResult.Numeric != -INF && Logging.StepResult.Numeric != IND
Logging.DatabaseOptions.IncludeOutputValues && Logging.PropertyResult.Data != NAN && Logging.PropertyResult.Data != INF && Logging.PropertyResult.Data != -INF && Logging.PropertyResult.Data != IND
- If you are getting an unknown variable error:
An error occurred calling 'LogResults' in 'ITSDBLog' of 'zNI TestStand Database Logging'
An error occurred evaluating a database statement/column precondition.
Schema: Axcelis Schema With Preconditions
Column: DATA
Property: Measurement.[Measurement 0]
Error in argument 1, 'Logging.StepResult.Numeric != NAN', in call to the expression function '#NoValidation'.
Unknown variable or property name 'Logging.StepResult.Numeric'.
Source: TSDBLog
Try modifying the Precondition in PROP_RESULT table in STEP_NUMERICLIMIT1.DATA:
""Logging.PropertyResult.Data" instead of "Logging.StepResult.Numeric
i.e: Logging.DatabaseOptions.IncludeOutputValues && (Logging.PropertyResult.Data != NAN)
- Restart TestStand to reload changes made to the schema.