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"Not Compatible" or "Access Denied" Error when Running Any VI on myRIO

Updated Dec 22, 2021

Reported In


  • myRIO-1900
  • myRIO-1950


  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

Operating System

  • NI Linux Real-Time

Issue Details

On my computer, I have installed LabVIEW and the appropriate drivers and modules for my myRIO. The USB connection is fine as the device shows up in the NI Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX). But when I try to run any LabVIEW VI on it, one of the following errors is reported:
  • The software you have selected is not compatible with the version of your embedded OS. Consult the documentation on the device for information on upgrading or downgrading the version of the embedded OS.
  • This target is running a version of LabVIEW Real-Time that is different than the Real-Time Module software on the host computer.  You can verify the version and reinstall the Real-Time software using Measurement & Automation Explorer.
  • Access denied: This target is running a version of LabVIEW that is different than LabVIEW on the host computer. For Real-Time targets, you can verify the version and reinstall the Real-Time software using MAX.


Your myRIO's firmware needs to be updated. Find a description of how to do this in the article Upgrading Firmware on My myRIO NI Linux Real-Time Device