Run ECU MC or ADCS and XNET Simultaneously On the Same CAN Port

Updated Apr 21, 2023

Reported In


  • Automotive Diagnostic Command Set Toolkit
  • LabVIEW
  • LabWindows/CVI

Issue Details

Can I run NI ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit (ECU MC) or NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set Toolkit (ADCS) and NI-XNET sessions simultaneously on the same CAN Port?


NI ECU MC and NI ADCS Toolkits use Frame Queue or Stream sessions of NI-XNET, depending on the Protocol and Interface configured .
It is possible to use all three ECU MC, ADCS and NI-XNET sessions on the same CAN ports, as long as the limit of NI-XNET has not exceed.
However since they are using the same physical interface, the sessions should have same baud rate, including sample point, or error -1074384610 will be reported.

Additional Information

Demo ECUs are shipped with NI ECU MC and NI ADCS Toolkits:

  • <LabVIEW>\examples\ECUMC\CCPECU.llb\ECUMC Demo ECU
  • <LabVIEW>\examples\ECUMC\XCPECU.llb\ECUMC Demo ECU
  • <LabVIEW>\examples\Automotive Diagnostic Command Set\ADCS Demo ECUs.llb\ADCS Demo ECU CAN
  • <LabVIEW>\examples\Automotive Diagnostic Command Set\ADCS Demo ECUs.llb\ADCS Demo ECU