Why is it Recommended to Use NI-IMAQdx Instead of NI-IMAQ with USB and IEEE 1394 Cameras?

Updated Aug 28, 2024

Reported In


  • USB Cable
  • Camera
  • IEEE 1394 Cable


  • Vision Development Module


  • NI-IMAQdx

Issue Details

I have cameras with IEEE 1394 and USB buses, and I am using them with NI-IMAQ driver, but NI recommends to use NI-IMAQdx instead. 


The NI-IMAQ, NI-IMAQdx, and NI-IMAQ I/O are driver packages for use with different image acquisition devices. It is important to use the adequate driver with for each camera bus. To see what driver is the correct for your camera bus, refer to this link.

It is possible that some buses such as USB and IEEE1394 work correctly with NI-IMAQ and NI-IMAQdx, but it is recommended to use NI-IMAQdx since the relationship between NI-IMAQ and these buses is not supported by NI, in other words, any problem encountered with NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 and USB will not be reviewed by R&D even if there are information about this compatibility. That is why you must use the correct driver depending on the communication bus of your camera.