Using the PFI Trigger and DO Channels on NI 9205 with CompactRIO

Updated Feb 23, 2023

Reported In


  • NI-9205
  • CompactRIO Controller


  • LabVIEW

Issue Details

  • I would like to export a signal on my DO line and trigger off of the PFI line on my NI 9205 using Scan Engine in my cRIO. I'm not seeing these lines in the Project Explorer, though. Is there a way to use these lines in Scan Engine?
  • In the 9205 documentation it says there is one Digital Input, PFI, how do access this?


If you would like to export a signal on the DO line and trigger off of the PFI line using the NI 9205, it cannot be done in the Scan Engine in LabVIEW.

This card's DO and PFI line are supported only in FPGA mode and therefore can be accessed and programmed in the FPGA module in LabVIEW. 

Additional Information

If you are simply trying to read a trigger signal and don't care if the trigger is software timed, you could implement roughly the same logic by checking if an analog line is reading above a certain threshold.

The DO line is not accessible if using the DAQmx driver but could potentially access the PFI line. However, using NI-DAQmx on the CompactRIO is limited to the cRIO-904x family of controllers.