What Is the Minimum Sample Rate if None Is Specified?

Updated May 4, 2023

Reported In


  • NI-9205
  • NI-9201


  • NI-DAQmx

Issue Details

The datasheet for my NI DAQ device does not specify a minimum sample rate. I've seen other NI DAQ devices that specify a minimum sample rate. Does this device have a minimum sample rate if it isn't included in the data sheet?


Some NI DAQ modules that use Delta-Sigma ADCs require a minimum sample rate because they oversample signals for filtering needs. If there is no minimum sample rate specified, your device can sample as slow as your time base allows.

Additional Information

Note: For any sampling at frequencies less than ~1 Hz, software timing is an appropriate alternative. See Accuracy of Software-Timed Applications in LabVIEW for more information on software timing data acquisition.