Call the DAQmx.dll or Similar to Acquire Data From an NI-9260 Directly

Updated Apr 6, 2023

Reported In


  • NI-DAQmx
  • Traditional NI-DAQ

Programming Language

  • C# .NET
  • Python
  • C

Issue Details

I want to use the NI-9260 module for data acquisition with MathWorks® MATLAB®. Unfortunately, MATLAB’s toolkit does not support that module yet. Is there a way of calling the DAQmx.dll directly to acquire the data?


In general, calling the DAQmx.dll directly is not recommended. Using one of the existing Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) instead will be easier. National Instruments maintains APIs for C, .NET and Python. The approach for the issue described above would be to create a wrapper for the DAQmx part of the software in C/.NET/Python and then call this wrapper from the third-party software.

Additional Information

Where to find and how to use DAQmx dll files and the corresponding header files is described in the article Linking Errors in Third-Party Compiler with NI DAQmx .

The article Which DLLs Contain the NI-DAQ Functions?  describes where to find the dll files of the traditional NI-DAQ.